it's me again

bz again (more likely off the hook)...

my life's a whole massive entangled wires that i'll need to sort out a strand at a time & it's causing me a lifetime!!!!

anyway..i'm planning to pursue my masters hopefully by the end of this year (yeay!!!) & become yet another graduate pondering what to do with poor miserable life...wish me all the best ppl. what i'll be doing? hmm...visual communications in UiTM Shah Alam...broad prospect i hear from the experts.

til then, i'll still be working @ my miserable place in cyberjaya until further outcome of my masters application. by the way, i'll still have like 4 miserable months to complete my 1 year in that company so wish me well & hopefully i'm brave to go through the 4 months...

hope i'm still sane though... :)


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